Here's the story of a girl,
Living in the big wide world,
A hidden life, A secret smile,
Hearing voices that scream too loud.

There, she's standing in the crowd,
Watching. Mouthing silently.
You don't know her. You don't see her.
She's a shadow, nothing more.

You don't see her. You see through her.
She disappears, reappears..but only momentarily,
A second, a minute and then she's gone.

All you're left with are wispy images
of something that never truly existed.
She wasn't real anyway.


Name: E R I C A

Stuff about me: Blogspot is giving me a headache but noone uses xanga =X



* Loves: alien food and bug juice

* I love sleeping in and blanking out

* I hate eight legged things and things that might somehow poo on you =)

Pretty Quotes

× Live with no excuses and love with no regrets

× The best kind of friend is the kind you can sit on a porch swing with, never say a word, and then walk away feeling like it was the best conversation you've ever had.

× Life isn't about waiting for the storm to's learning to dance in the rain.

Random Thing

× At age 4 success is not peeing in your pants.

× At age 12 success is having friends.

× At age 16 success is having a drivers license.

× At age 20 success is having sex.

×At age 35 success is having money.

×At age 50 success is having money.

× At age 60 success is having sex.

× At age 70 success is having a drivers license.

× At age 75 success is having friends.

×At age 80 success is not peeing in your pants.

× At age 100 success is not facing death.

Other Worlds

♥ Dasha
♥ Dora's dead blog -.-
♥ Jin
♥ JJ
♥ Jo
♥ Matt
♥ Monkii
♥ Poon
♥ Ray
♥ Ryen
♥ Sam
♥ Tiff
♥ Viennci


November 2009
December 2009
January 2010
March 2010
May 2010
June 2010
July 2010
August 2010

counter for blogger


November 2009 December 2009 January 2010 March 2010 May 2010 June 2010 July 2010 August 2010


Picture 1
Picture 2
Splatter Brushes
Lyrics of the song "Notice Me" by Zetta Bytes

Saturday, August 21, 2010
9:01 PM

nobody ever told me how much this would hurt. i should be taking baby steps in life right? it feels like you've just pushed me into the ocean and left me to drown.
i want to hate you. i really do. you hull me in, throw me back out, hull me in, throw me back out. it's like i'm a fishing net. the cycle is endless. wtf do you want from me? i've given up myself...isn't that enough? huh? i can't give you anything else. you have my all. so if you don't want it, then leave me be. don't go fkn hot and cold on me all the time. don't hurt me anymore.
and even after all this, why do i still want you to be happy? my head's telling me that you don't deserve to be happy. but i know that you're not happy...not entirely happy at least and again, i give in.
i hate myself. more than you will ever know.

time just keeps ticking...

Tuesday, August 3, 2010
2:49 AM

stop messing with me.
i'm not some disposable toy that you can just play around with.

time just keeps ticking...

Tuesday, July 27, 2010
4:38 AM

dear blog
i'm writing this here instead of tumblr coz i know you don't even know this blog exists. well, i don't know if you've ever been on my tumblr but since i haven't used this blog in ages, this blog is more private anyway.
a little bit of me died yesterday. and it hurts so much. i told myself to breathe...breathe in...breathe out. but then i remember that you said the same thing to me yesterday and i just die a little more. why did no one tell me it would hurt this much? how can you act like nothing happened?
i kept trying to hold my breath today because every time i breathed in, i could detect your scent. ever so subtle but always just there. i checked my phone a thousand times today because i kept thinking that you would text...just like before. how can all this change in the span of a day..less than a hasn't even been 24hours yet..
i think i would like to dream forever. to sleep forever. to never wake up.
what happens when the only person you want to talk to is the one who hurt you? what happens when the person that you want to open up to is the very person that you can't face? i can feel the darkness closing in on me again and god i'm scared. i hate this feeling. this helplessness. this suffocation.
how could i have let my walls crumble? how could i have let my defenses down?
it's time to rebuild these walls.

time just keeps ticking...

Tuesday, June 8, 2010
6:48 AM

going to stuff up everythingggg. stupid exams. i hate you. :( sigh...micro: 5/14ch.'t started :(((( soo my plan is: pass mgmt. get at least a credit for acct....and i want a distinction for law...-_-"
or maybe i should jst aim for a pass for all four haha. mmm :( wish everyone wasn't so smart.......hate this competitiveness...

time just keeps ticking...

Saturday, June 5, 2010
9:00 PM

aha kinda glad that everyone's forgotton bout blogspot :) now i can ramble on forever.
so you never talk to me unless i talk first.
so i don't see you at all even though you used to be my closest friend.
so it seems that every time i talk to you, you need to go.
so you don't value my friendship at all.
guess you were never my friend after all.
what are friends, really?
but it just makes me so sad. one minute, i knew that there was someone that i could depend upon and the next, i'm flung into mid air with no safety net below me. i hate it when i drift apart from people and yet this is what uni seems to be doing to me. i hardly see techies and we all seem to be drifting apart, but no one seems to care but me. perhaps it's the stress. who knows.
but still...i'm confused. why is it that we go through life and lose the things we cherish most. i wish that everything that i have will never leave, will never break, will never be destroyed. but it seems that the closer i grasp what i value, the harder it is to cling on..the more it wants to leave. =X oh well...that's life right?
on another note..haha you make me smile even though you don't know it and there's so many things i wanted to say but was too scared to. noone can open themselves up without getting hurt. so i'm sorry if i disappointed you.

time just keeps ticking...

Saturday, May 29, 2010
7:09 AM

ahhh i haven't written anything in months.
i don't know why but i seem to be keeping to myself more these days. don't get me wrong, the amount of time i spend talking hasn't changed but the content has.
i was talking to a friend the other day and whereas before, i would've gone on for agees about the topic he was talking to me about, i just clammed up. i said about two sentences and then stopped...afraid that it will make him see me in a different light. afraid that my friend might not like what he sees. so maybe he was disappointed. maybe he thinks of me as some stupid, retarded person that can't go beyond the surface of my day to day life. truth is, i don't like opening up. truth is, no one knows me.

on another note...=X why are you not on msnnnn. imtty.

time just keeps ticking...

Monday, March 8, 2010
12:23 AM

OIRW HTEva5320q i thought i gave up blogging....and i did....when i was stress free lol -.-"
now my stress levels are higher than what it was DURING the hsc.
i've read this so many times that the words have become jumbled up :(
'for the preservation of the peace and the maintenance of justice inquiries be made through out each county and hundred by twelve legal men of the hundred and four legal men of each township, under oath to tell the truth; if in their hundred or their township there be any man who is accused generally suspected of being a robber or murderer or thief, or any man who is a receive of robbers, murders or thieves since our lord the king was king.' -first clause of the Assize of Clarendon 1166 (kekeke assize XD haha i'm so immature)

time just keeps ticking...